Above: Northwestern Salamander Egg Mass © Betsy Howell
We thank you for your generous contribution
When you give to NW PARC, please know that you are helping to support the conservation of species that are facing historic declines!
Your tax-deductible donation will go towards projects, initiatives, and other conservation efforts that support amphibians and reptiles and the mission of NW PARC.
How to Make a Donation
Donations are handled through our partner organization and charitable non-profit, Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy (ARC). Donations can be made by visiting the Northwest PARC.
Meet Our Sponsors
Northwest Ecological Research Institute - 8th annual NW PARC workshop, Expanding Science Knowledge and Ecological Literacy, 24- 27 February 2015, Embassy Suites in downtown Portland, OR.
For information about specific current sponsorship opportunities please contact NW PARC co-chairs, Betsy Howell (blhowell@fs.fed.us) or Katy Weil (katy.weil@oregonmetro.gov).