Northwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
Thamnophis elegans - Kris Kendell (20).JPG

Meetings & Events Calendar

Meetings & Events

Above: Thamnophis elegans © Kris Kendell
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2018 Joint Meeting

NW PARC 2018 Annual Meeting: Training Course and Top Reptile Research and Conservation Priorities


The 11th Annual NW PARC Meeting was held in Portland, Oregon, February 13-16, 2018, in conjunction with the annual meetings of the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology (SNVB) and the Washington and Oregon Chapters of The Wildlife Society.

Attendees at the NW PARC Training Course: Standard & Novel Amphibian Inventory & Monitoring Techniques, February 13, 2018.Photo by Katy Weil

Attendees at the NW PARC Training Course: Standard & Novel Amphibian Inventory & Monitoring Techniques, February 13, 2018.Photo by Katy Weil

I.D. of species. Photo by Deb Patla.

I.D. of species. Photo by Deb Patla.

eDNA demonstration.

eDNA demonstration.

David Pilliod at the Reptile session, February 15, 2018.

David Pilliod at the Reptile session, February 15, 2018.

Earlier Event: August 8
2017 Washington PARCAs Meeting
Later Event: February 25
2019 Joint Annual Meeting